Do a little chat to web cam (as now camera is broke I cant take photo of it) showing off my Donkey, for pin the tail on the Donkey game for Emily Louise's (AKA Mini) Birthday Party (only finished it in wee hrs, wanted to make saddle & reins with bells on & add googly eyes, but due to filming & TV commitments I didn't have enough time & couldn't find all my sewing & toy making equipment either, due to having a lot of my late mums things still to sort in back room, so cant get to all cupboards)
Set off to get 84 bus to London Colney 1st bus was taken off don't know why? maybe it broke down & being a Sunday I had to wait 1hr for the next one! in fact the next one was late so I had to wait over a hr, a few women checked my bruises out & gave me pitying looks, I think they thought I was in a abusive relationship lol. When I finally arrived at Nicky's (Late) she & everyone had been worried about me, thinking I'd got on the wrong bus & vanished into the middle of nowhere. Nicky & Everyone loved my Donkey, even though it wasn't up to the standard I intended to make it too, a few mums said they know where to go if they need anyone in the future.
Had a drink & some of the Buffet, & chatted to Nicky, Emma, Sharon & Les, played with Emily who looked cute in a Mini Mouse Dress. Then we put the donkey on the wall & played pin the tail on the donkey. The kids seemed to love it & one mum came up to me & asked if I had kids? I said no!, she said she was surprised as I was really good with kids, I said it's probably as I have over 10 nephews/nieces & I'm also a great aunt to 3!! she said I'd make a great mum.
One of the dads took a pic of the Donkey & said he'd email it to me. One of my friends Richard arrived & I found out his brother (the only local guy my age, who I fancy) is now dating (bummer lol) had some birthday cake & some red wine & later Richard gave me a lift home.
Got in & chilled with the Sunday Papers & rested my bruised body
Monday was the quiet before the storm of Tuesday 24th August which was the day of the Big Brother 11 finals I had a few errands to run before heading for the Elstree Studios at Borehamwood to be there for 6.30am (despite show going out at 10.50pm), Got slutted up in my Black sequined leggings, silver & black sequined vest, and black sequined Jacket & lots of bling jewelery (well it is the last EVER Final of Ch4's Big Brother) & I put my supper blingy black killer Kurt Geiger Heels in my big black (you guessed it) Sequined tote bag. & with the final touch up of my make-up & a jush up of my big DQ like blonde hair I headed out of the door in my B&W thong TrimSoles (not ruining my heels on the crap pavements of St Albans/Borehamwood).
Arrived early at 6pm so popped into a pub right by the Elstree Studios, called The Spoon for half of cider to kill time, and was immediately hit on by a cute but drunk 21yr old called Terry (lol Terry & June) who apparently is a boxer (if that's true he must be a damn good one to stay that pretty!!) while I was there Emma from BBBM text me to say it had changed to be at studio at 7pm so another half it was!!..... while there my friend Miriam also called me to say she was at the Studio early too & where was I? I told her the pub I was in & she met me there & then we went off to the Studios at 7pm
Dave let us in to the Bar area where I had a much needed loo break (that Cider went straight through me) then we went off to the BBBM audience holding area, passing all the past housemates on the verge as we did so. We sat in front of 3 big TV's to watch the show & had a few beers/wines provided by BB & watched the show, joined by 2 people from the media (1male, 1 female) Saw Davina was in a Black sequined number too. Then as soon as Josie was announced winner we were ushered out of the holding room into the BBBM studio. Miriam & I were ushered onto the 2nd row & we were sat directly behind John James, Corin, a newly blonde haired Iffy, Ben, the 1st Rachel & Shabby.
The show starts & we all dance to opening act
Davina cracks a joke about Iffy
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The Audience start to give their opinions |
In the Ad breaks I spoke to john James & I said I liked that he didn't play it safe like most pretty boys would, & said I was annoyed that people were saying that he insinuated Rachel was a hooker because what he actually said was "Having sex for money is the only job you would TURN DOWN!!" he said he was glad that somebody had actually picked up on that & thanked me & shook my hand, then one of the girls behind said "she had a dirty dream about you!!" he looked at me & smiled and I laughed & said "if its any consolation in my dream you were not a 1min wonder & were not lacking in the down stairs department" and he grinned back at me & said "glad to hear it!"
Miriam & I Listening intently to Davina
Listening to Davina's response to Ben
Next Ad break I was helping Corin out with her twisted bra strap & chatting. I told her my BFF Candy's 9yr old son Xavier loves her & he asked me to ask Corin if she would write him a letter, she said she'd love to & took his address, which Ben kept in his pocket for her.
Laughing at John James'es description of His & Josie's relationship
My comment makes Iffy crack up & Davina gurn!!
Next Mario & Dave came out & Davina came & sat with me & we had our arms round each other as I asked Mario what his big secret was & it turned out there wasn't one!!..... BORING!!!!
Asking Mario what his BIG Secret was?
Disappointed to find there was none!!
Wondering if there were some skeletons
in that closet he came out of?
in that closet he came out of?
The Ads came again, and Ben & I chatted we have a lot of friends in common Including Danny, Sammy & Richard he asked where I lived & said to give him my number, but your not allowed phones in the studio so it was in my bag outside, & I don't know it off by heart, (but no worries I now have his!!)
At the End after a little Boogie, and a plaited haired Angel was doing shadow boxing looking very different, I put my hand in my pocket to get out my lip gloss & discovered that my camera was in there (I meant to take pics of Miriam & I in the holding room with it, but forgot) & took a pic with Ben & of Corin but they are of bad quality, as cameras are forbidden in studio, but I thought sod it I have it on me (even tho its accidentally) and its the last Ch4 BB & I may not be on BBBM again, unless the BBBM email or call me again, so what the hell I might as well risk a photo & the wroth of BBBM.
Trout Pout With Ben
Corin says Goodbye to me
Corin Gets Mobbed By Her Fans
Davina & Angel
Afterwards Miriam & I swapped numbers with a girl called Tracy, who was in the holding room with us & Miriam was kind enough to give me a lift home & I watched a bit of the Ultimate BB before crashing out for the night! LOVE Nadia, Nikki, Brian & John of course, HATE Coolio & Makosi (AKA Mak-floozie, Mak-hoe-si) can't help but wonder if Makosi's Union Jack entrance dress was meant to be a ironic two finger salute as she only narrowly escaped deportation from Britain!?
Oh dear, you are actually a sad 50 something stalker aren'you those poor people
ReplyDeleteNot yet!!
ReplyDeleteAnd GLP.. You are obviously a rude cow with nothing better to do than read people's fun blogs & be rude to them... & how is meeting them when you're on the same show stalking?
ReplyDeleteAnyone wishing to comment on blogs its best to click follow with google friend connect button (top of follow box on top right)I have heard many are having problems commenting......